Central Cholangio-jejunostomy During Pregnancy After Surgical Lesion Of The Common Duct By Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Enrique Moreno Gonzalez, MD, FACS(Hon); Alvaro Garcia-Sesma, MD

Product Details
Product ID: ACS-5596
Year Produced: 2018
Length: 9 min.

A four months pregnant patient was treated by cholecystitis and lithiasis of the gallbladder diagnosed of acute cholecystitis througt laparoscopic approach. Aparently no complications of the procedure was produced. Three days later pregressive jaundice was demonstreated and five days later serum bilirubin was 22 mgr, GPT 286, GOT 316, Protrombine 62 and signs of encephalopaty. Ultrasound showed important dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary tree. Surgical treatmen was indicated, under the diagnos of total obstruction by ligatures and clips of the common duct. No external drainage or ERCP with transpapilar exploration or stent was indicated first due to the risk of the pregnancy and second by the diagnosed of complete obstruction of the biliary tract and risk of cholangitis. Laparostomy was performed and long, complete and severe obstruction was confirmed. Dissection of the biliary confluence was demostreated and no posibilities os reparation of the common duct was confirmed. Enlargement of the opening of the biliary tract through both hepatic duct was performed. Central end-to-side cholangio-jejunostomi was performed. No complications on the patientand the baby was demonstreated.